Best Practices Inventory Management with Grant W. Howard

Profit Maximization, Stellar Customer Experience and Supported Sustained Growth

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024 8:30 AM - Thursday, June 6th, 2024 4:00 PM (Eastern Time), Ann Arbor Michigan

General Info        Agenda           Hotel          Past Attendee Comments

Past Attendee Comments

Grant explains complex methodologies in a manner that made it easy to follow and comprehend. His style, approach, and reinforcement really brought home UNDERSTANDING! President/CEO


Really emphasizes the importance of “Best Practices” purchase/inventory management.  It’s a great refresh course for SCM personnel. Getting to know the system deeper and better. Buyer


Great knowledge with work experience. Reference to different industries. Course outline planned very well. Easy to absorb the material. Sr. IT Supply Chain Analyst


Grant is great to teach this class, fantastic job. My 3rd time here and learn something new every time. Purchasing Manager


Information is very beneficial. Would recommend to everyone. Customer Service


Excellent program… Incredible take-aways, well worth our time!! President/CEO


One of the best presentations that I have attended. President


Awesome conference, great information, well presented.  Thank you Grant!!! Purchasing Manager


Very beneficial. Great program really helped provide a better understanding of my daily functions and showed me a lot thing Sx does that I was not aware of. Customer Service Manager

Great information professionally delivered! Regional Customer Service Manager


Very very good information! Purchasing Manager


I’m new at purchasing, there were a lot of information to take in, very informative Purchasing Coordinator


This has given me a lot of information to take back to implement at our company. It has given me a better understanding of the flow to the system. - Buyer


Real life examples. In depth explanation on system appreciated that you explained how & why the system works the way it does. - Buyer


Very useful seminar, good for purchasing & operations.   Purchasing Manager


Really enjoyed the program. Now I’m looking forward to coming back. Thank you! Inventory Analyst


This was my 2nd visit. Last year was my 1st. After using it for a year I still knew something was missing. Now I know what it was. Making our system “great” will be much easier now. I recommend the class twice! Pricing/Purchasing Manager


Exceeded my expectations. Thank you. Director Purchasing


What liked best:  Managing targets great! *Ideas on “rolled up” usage, lost business ~ recording it, decrease to get min. order. Liked that a lot already doing but gave me confidence that I am in right direction. Great analogies to explain concepts i.e. jump battery or fuel gauge. Also reviewing before going onto the next concept. Use of white board. - Purchasing


Was in depth on the system but easily explained so I could identify issues in our company. Inventory Manager


Very clear explanation of each subject. Good examples. Good schedule of the break time, I learn a lot and I will implement. Regional Procurement Manager


Grant Howard he’s great, very knowledgeable. Customer Service


Great enthusiasm, funny, perfect realistic analogies. Like the recaps throughout ties everything together.   Business Consultant


Grant is an energetic presenter and uses good analogies. Clear specific screen shots help along with notebook with room to write. Operations Manager


Interesting program. Very informative and helpful. - Buyer


It gave me a multitude of ideas about setting policies regarding feeding data into our system to make things run more smoothly. Purchasing Manager


Directly impacts what I do daily. - Purchasing


Some people are smart, but can’t communicate. Some people never shut up, but really have nothing to say. You know what we need and how to present it. Well done. Very Well done. - Purchasing


A lot of content presented well, breaks timed out well. A++, great job! - Purchasing


Really enjoyed the class, Grant is engaging and explains well. The one hour breaks help a great deal to keep things fresh. Inventory Manager


Thank you for presenting the 10 steps in a way that is informational and yet easy to follow. IT Manager


Just a great presentation, covers all the important points. Purchasing Director


Good and clear presentation. Buyer


Enjoyed it. Very helpful. THX Manager/Purchasing


I would attend this program again. Shipping Manager


Found this excellent for program specifics. Would recommend to others and hope to come again. Accounting Manager


Clear, very good explanation Purchasing Team Leader


Went into detail and explained everything clearly Buyer


Learned what was doing wrong, found opportunities - Purchasing

Was in-depth on the system but easily explained so I would identify issues in our company Inventory Manager


The amount of information given was very useful Purchasing


Never lost interest.  Just right amount of audience questions Supply Chain Manager


Very clear action items to take home Purchasing Logistics Coordinator

Additional Past Attendee Comments
“Simply fantastic!” -President

“This was the most clear conversation I have had about SX.e including Infor employees.  Very knowledgeable.  Very user oriented.” -Buyer

“This was my second time through and I was able to go back with a list of new ideas.  Very well presented.” -Purchasing

“Awesome seminar! Great for all knowledge levels.” -Purchasing Manager

“Well worth the trip and money for this seminar.” General Manager

“The content of this program was amazing!” -Purchasing Manager

“Well done” -President

“Excellent class!  You explained the replenishment math in SX.e in about 2 hours.  I spent 2 weeks learning this through Infor’s help desk!” -COO

“An excellent program for beginners and also for those using this.” -Supply Chain Manager

 “Grant did an exceptional job.  No B.S. Every word had value.” -Business Consultant

“Great job” -President

“Made me excited about how we can improve our operation.  Grant made the 2 ½ days fly by.  Presentation was not only informative but was presented with passion that kept the audience engaged.” -President

“Grant did really well taking seemingly complicated screens, functions, etc. and translating them into a good working application.  His passion for teaching and educating on this subject really helped me understand better.”  -Senior Inventory Analyst

“It renewed my excitement about making my system work for me.” -Director of Purchasing

“Very informative.  I am new to purchasing but this was presented in a clean, logical way and made it easy to understand.” -General Manager

“Super informative.  Great energy from Grant.  Keeps you engaged in a relatively tough subject.” -IT Manager

“In depth from start to finish.  Going from company strategy of customer service to how the pieces make it happen.” –Vice President

 “Grant is a dynamic speaker.  I felt like an athlete who just got a pep talk from Coach to go out and win the game!” -Purchasing Manager

“Very educated/ experienced presenter.” -Senior Buyer

“Grant kept a steady pace and made it fun and exciting (relative to the subject).” -Director of Supply Chain

“Well organized.  Nice presentation of information. (audio and visual)” -Ops Mgr.

What did you like best: “The quality and amount of information given out.  The networking with other vendors.” -Inventory Analyst/ Buyer

What did you like best: “The breakdown of all of the screens- talking about each option in both a general (macro) level and then getting down into the weeds.” Demand Planning Manager

“Energetic, passionate, and knowledgeable presenter.” Business Consultant

“Good presenter, clear and concise examples.  Good explanation.” -IT Manager

What did you like best: “The repetitive “trust the system” but that requires good/accurate DATA.  Also focus on people having to do their job well and the impact it will have.” -Executive V.P.

 “It was not solely centered around software.  It was a good blend of overall business practices and software techniques.” -Purchasing Agent

What did you like best: “The organization of the material and the realistic/ practical way in which the material was presented.” -Vice President of Purchasing

“I am new to inventory and the program cover from entry level knowledge to in depth knowledge.” -Inventory Buyer

“Well presented, down to earth, practical walk-thru of SXE inventory set up.  I wish I heard all this in 1994!” -VP

“Being a beginner I learned so much about SXE which was in line with my new expectations.” -Supply Chain Manager

“Grant is great and he knows his stuff.” -Purchasing Manager

 “I knew about a lot of these practices, but this put the pieces of the puzzle together better for me.” -Purchasing Manager

“Presenter’s passion for subject and personal knowledge.” -Inventory Manager

“A lot of good information.” -Purchasing

“Very informative.  Good examples.”  -Buyer

“The ability of Grant to walk through and explain what could be very complex issues into a language I could understand was awesome.”

“Format: was easy to follow, show and review.  It made it easy to keep up, take notes of my own and also focus on the presentation.” -Business Consultant

 “Specific screens, recommendations, spreadsheets and slides.  Step by step and easy to understand.”

“The connection back to company objectives and higher level objectives.” -Buyer

 “Grant explains this so well and keeps taking different angles until you get it.  He also relates it to everyday life which is nice.” -Office Manager

 “Explained very well.  Great information.  The visuals and screenshots.  Detailed.” -Buyer

 “I like how we were taught concepts first and then how to apply to our system.” -Purchasing

“This program helped expand some of the newer concepts and parameters FACTS has.  I have a good list of parameters to look at and change to make my system run better.” -Office Manager

“Explanation of concepts to better understand the calculations software using/ understanding of customer service/ profitability decisions.” -Buyer II

 “I like that it was presented in a linear fashion.” -VP of Purchasing

“The systematic breakdown of SXE.  10 Steps was very informative and great blueprint to work with.” –Purchasing Manager

“Great program with lots of information.  Great people and a mix of people.” -Branch Manager

 “Invaluable information presented in an exciting and understandable class.”

 “All good!  Grant was great and helpful!”- Purchasing Mgr.

“Good presenter.  Clearly knows his product.” -Executive V.P.

“Great program.  Really enjoyed it.” -Purchasing Manager

 “I learned a great deal attending this event.  Grant really did a good job of explaining the subjects on the white board.  It made the information on all the pages make sense to me.  I will now be able to teach the topics to my team members.” -Director of Supply Chain

 “Being in the setup stage this is a wonderful class to really drive the main points home.  Being SX.e this was very clear and specific to my needs and inquiries.” -Buyer

“Excellent experience!” -Buyer

“This seminar moved at a very good pace.  It was fast enough to cover everything but slow enough to understand and apply to your own company.” -Purchasing

“I would suggest this to anyone looking at SX.e and have had it for 20+ years.  I can see coming back every 3 years.  Well worth the investment in time and money!” -Buyer

Very Educational - Grant is an exceptional


Practical and logical approach - forward thinking

Honestly the best conference I have been to. A truly eye-opening experience.

Hands-on approach to improve your Inventory management system. Outstanding presentation that covers a straight-forward approach for operating an efficient inventory.
Operation Manager

Best seminar I have ever attended. Well worth this investment!
Purchasing Manager

Easy to follow step-by-step of how if all works and see the big picture. Presentation was great - energetic. Experience was educational - Not the least bit boring. Time flew by - Open to all questions - Great information!
Purchasing Manager

Grant did a fantastic job at explaining in detail how the system works. One of the best seminars I’ve ever attended.
Purchasing Team Leader

I have been with my company for almost eight years and I have learned more in 3 day than I’ve learned in those 8 years. You’ve hit on every point that I’ve been missing to make my job so much easier. I greatly appreciate you for making this so simple.
Inventory Analyst

Eye-opening experience! I personally needed to see the behind the scenes because never involved in it.

Amazing! Very new to SX.e and have been very discouraged since we went live with very limited training. The information given through this course has completely flipped my opinion of our software system. Presentation was organized and energetic! Thank you!

The approach of explaining “How” the numbers are generated rather than giving a topical explanation is great. Teaching the abstract to understand the concrete. Excellent.
Sr. Buyer

The knowledge of the speaker about the subject and benefits of taking this back to our company to make improvements. Great class! If there is something that anyone is confused on in the programs that are talking about in this class, you will come away with more ideas to improve your company!

Grant’s explanation of EOQ functionality and build a trust of system through. This program is outstanding! Improvement just continually evolves as software update come out. Within the first 30 minutes of the first day, Grant had already touched on the most problematic issues my company has had with inventory management. His explanation of how to “Reboot” the forecasting of OP, LP & EOQ brought better understanding as will as ability to teach buyers and turn them into inventory analysts. Thank you Grant Howard!
Procurement Manager

FACTS user for 22+ years. Took more from 2 ½ day than from 22 years of using. Perfect intro for clients upgrading to 7.8 and above. Plan to bring 2 of my buyers to the next year’s presentation. We plan to move to a new facility in next two years. I will highly suggest to our management team to utilize Grant Howard Company prior to the move.
Director of Purchasing

The energy of Grant Howard really kept my attention and he also put a lot of the processes we are already using into an understandable and interesting way.
Purchasing Agent

The information was delivered clearly and at a perfect pace.

Grant speaks with experience, confidence and clarity. We fired questions at random and Grant handled them without missing a step.
Director of Product Development

Very knowledgeable on the topic. Easy to understand and pay attention. Not monotone which is Grant.
Analyst Associate

I like most the application to the real world and screen shots. The review of each section and constantly referring back to it was great!
Purchasing & Inventory Manage

Dynamic speaker. Easy to relate to and follow along, even if you aren’t involved with setting up the system parameters. I got some great ideas. I would recommend anyone in the industry to attend.

Easy to understand for all levels. The real world examples help to simplify what seem nice more difficult concepts. The reviews at the start of the day were very helpful.

I like the fact that Grant took a hybrid approach to inventory management. Not focusing on only to us, but rather the whole bottom line approach.
Purchasing Manager

I’m 50+ years old and have been to many of these types of events.  This was far and away the best.  Will return to future event and probably bring more people from company.  Thank you Grant!
Purchasing Manager

Have been through it several times and yet I always learn something.

The presentation covered things that I deal with every day.  It opened my eyes to things that I have been doing and how I can do them better.  This is the second time that I have attended this class and I learned as much as the first time.
Purchasing Manager

Extremely comprehensive, gives you just about all of the tools that you need to make system work.
Purchasing/Inventory Control

Love it all!  As always, a great investment… many 100XXX payback from the cost.
Vice President

What did you like most about this program:  Detailed step by step.  Building the foundation to get the desired results.
Senior Buyer/Operations

What did you like most about this program:  The setup… how we spent the first day going through the theory then implementing that into the system.  Also how detailed you would get and then simplify it.
Purchasing Agent

As a branch manager, will help me to better understand the purchasing process.  This will help me better communicate with my purchasing department and make sure I have the right products and quantities of product stocked at my branch with the proper replenishment levels.
Branch Manager

Day 1 very beneficial for upper management to hear and review.  Layout of presentation is fantastic, Info… Review… Info… Review.
VP of Operations

Great presentation, covers information without getting too bogged down.  Helps make it “make sense”.

As a new purchasing professional, the theory was very useful and the [system] specific information was extremely helpful to avoid “Bad Habits”.  I would recommend this to all our purchasing/inventory associates and our finance associates/executives.
Purchasing/Customer Support Manager

Grant opened up a lot of opportunities for us.  It was worth the investment. - Corporate Manager

  Without providing typical commentary where everything is good everything was fantastic. I am a 20+ year supply chain veteran and this was the best inventory/systems seminar I have attended. Material and presentation were excellent. Thanks!

Director of Purchasing

 Grant’s energy and passion for inventory is infectious! His ability to relay his understanding of inventory management to the level of his audience is impeccable. I look forward to more opportunities to learn from Grant.
 Controller/General Operations Manager

Excellent speaker Made it easy to understand.

This was my 2nd time attending, and I think I’m taking away more this time. I came in with all the theory, so I could focus on the applications. Thanks Grant.
Electrical Inventory Manager

Very interesting! Loved the content. I now see the bigger picture and the impact my buying has on my company.
Inventory Analyst

It was a complete presentation.
Purchasing Manager

Tremendous amount of energy in the presentation that holds our ability to stay engaged/concentrating on the material and new learning.
Independent Consultant

Great job! We went live on SX Feb. 2012. After the first year of putting out fires, this was great to clear up some why questions we had since going live.

Love the PET = Process, Education, Training. I’m a little over one year into my job, so this concept is very relevant to me.

Great information for multiple departments of our company to implement.
VP Finance

What did you like most about the program:  Tying system setup parameters back to company strategy.  Your [Grant’s] passion to inventory management shows in your presentation excellent work!
    Operations Manager

I have worked in my new position for a short amount of time and this program brought a lot a clarity to what I do and the things that effect it.  Thanks for everything.
    Corporate Inventory Management

What did you like most about the program:  Grant’s knowledge of inventory management across multiple industries exceeded expectation.
    Replenishment Manager

Great job.  The information provided was at a level just beyond where most participants are currently at providing reasons to take the next step in implementing the full functionality of  SX.e [the system].
    Replenishment Manager

I knew the basics of the inventory control levers, but not how to use them.  This course logically organized the abilities of the system and showed how they work together.
    Manager of Inventory Planning and Supply Chain

This program has changed my attitude about the inventory planning capability of SX.e.  We will be launching this system next year and the basic explanation of inventory planning was not impressing anyone.  By logically organizing the tools and showing how they work together, I now believe this will do an excellent job.
    Manager of Inventory Planning and Supply Chain

What did you like most about the program:  Speakers enthusiasm and extensive knowledge on the topic.  Learned a great deal that can be applied in my everyday.

Good Pace, Pertinent Information, Well Delivered.
    Chief Solution Architect

Just moved from IT (Programming) to purchasing in the last six months.  This really helped me to understand my new role in the company and how to get what the company expects from me.  Thank you!
    Inventory Manager

Perfect real world situations and material related to all businesses.  Hammers home the important concepts.  As close as you can get to fixing/maintaining our system without having someone come in house.  Should have brought more of our purchasing/executive team.
 Division Purchasing Administration

Brought awareness to things I haven’t explored in a long time.
 Vice President

Real World!
 VP Operations

Very detailed presentation, and covered wide range of both theories and practices.  Helped a lot with my daily buying decisions.

Thank you Grant.  Presenter’s passion for the subject is motivating.  Kept audience attention, presented material well, great examples, and entertaining.  Thank you. Buyer

Thank you so much for a wonderful seminar. These days, this trip has been worth the investment time & money.

Extensive knowledge of subject; especially related to SX.e.  Grant is great and covering tons of material fast, yet in a way it’s easily retained.  Great program.
 Purchasing Manager

"Dynamic speaker, dynamic content, excellent program."

"Expectations Exceeded - Great step by step process.
Grant knows his stuff and has been where we are. Great job!"
Administrative Manager

"Good way to keep consistent base understanding and execution for our organization."
Director of Purchasing

"Another great program: Money well spent. After attending several of Grant's sessions, I still find some issues where he saves our company money. The cost of this program is paid back many times over. All companies should take advantage of Grant's expertise."
 Inventory Manager

The seminar was amazing, the concept and the purchasing model you presented are outstanding and make perfect sense. As I look at my next project, that is to fix purchasing I am very excited based on what I learned from you in the seminar. There is so much room for improvement!

I just wanted to take the opportunity to say THANK YOU for another great session. I think the buyers took a tremendous amount of information away and are beginning to utilize! The group has come a long way from 10 short months ago. I can only hope that the more comfortable they become with the system, the more we will benefit..... Customer Service and Profits! We are already making great strides. You have a way of making perceived complexities manageable and understandable.

Grant's purchasing philosophy has made a big difference in our GMROI and turns while at the same time improving our fill rates. Grant is a great communicator, he turns the energy level way up, everyone stays interested.

Presentation along with explanation. Equaled understanding! Grant made a subject mostly boring understandable!

The program exceeded my expectations. We are just switching to GUI. It would have taken me months or forever to figure out what I learned in these two days. Anyone switching to GUI should take this class.

My third experience with Grant. Each time I come to one of your seminars, I walk away with at least one item (usually more) that can save my company time and money.

Always a pleasure! Grant speaks common sense and helps me make sense out of all the data I see daily.

Highly recommend this course to anyone involved in the management or day to day involvement of inventory and purchasing, customer service, financial aspects of business.

I had turned in my 2 weeks notice because purchasing was so stressful. I was asked to stay and think about it. Then this class was offered to me for help. I am so glad I came to learn. I am anxious to start proactive buying and getting the company involved with teamwork.

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